“Us” vs “them”: the under-served patient speaks up

Another eye opening article from Heart Sisters. Please Read & Share! The fight for affordable, accessible healthcare for ALL Americans still has not happened! Their are still too many gaps and loopholes in the ACA. The Hobby Lobby ruling has weakened it even further. There are other upcoming challenges that could weaken or destroy it even more.

Heart Sisters

by Carolyn Thomas  @HeartSisters

I asked permission to republish this letter written by an American friend who’s living with both multiple health issues and poverty.  She has asked to remain anonymous. I’m grateful for her contribution to an important discussion, as she offers a unique patient perspectivein this letter to the organizers of a well-known academic conference on healthcare.

“Dear conference organizers:

“Your upcoming healthcare conference forum on under-served populations brings up a concern for me that I hope you will consider in the next few months.  The best way I can explain my concern is through this example:  

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